Convert JPEG Online


JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group


Format introduction:

The only difference between the JPG and JPEG formats is the number of characters used. JPG only exists because in earlier versions of Windows they required a three letter extension for the file names. So .jpeg was shortened to .jpg. While Windows and or DOS had this limitation, UNIX did not and so UNIX and MAC users continued to use the .jpeg extension.

Technical details:

JPG was simply born out of a limitation that existed by previous versions of Windows and or DOS, and now is actually the most common format, over that of JPEG. And if you were wondering, you can change the extension both ways and the file will continue to work.


File extension .jpeg
MIME image/jpeg
Developed by Joint Photographic Experts Group
Type of format Lossy image format
Associated programs Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, the GIMP, ImageMagick, IrfanView, Pixel image editor, Paint.NET, Xara Photo & Graphic Designer.
Sample file sample.jpeg
Wikipedia JPEG on Wikipedia


The list shows what formats can convert to JPEG and what formats can be converted from JPEG. Click on a link below to start a specific conversion.

# Conversion Type Position
2 JPG to JPEG image TO JPEG