Apps > JPG to PDF Converter > Help Manual

First make sure you have granted files access right to JPG to PDF Converter. The camera access right is optional. You can disable it if you only need to choose existing images on your phone.

Internet connection is not necessary. Unlike our other PDF apps, JPG to PDF Converter can be used offline without any problems.


Choose Files


You can use the buttons on the top to add or remove image files.

[FILES] Tap the "FILES" button to open the image chooser, choose image files on your phone and tap the "DONE" button. Image files can be JPG, PNG, GIF, etc. To use an alternative image chooser, tap "" icon and change "Image Chooser" option (removed since version 1.6).

[FOLDER] Tap the "FOLDER" button to open the folder chooser dialog, choose a folder on your phone and tap the "Choose" button. All image files in this folder will be added to the conversion list.

[SORT] Tap the "SORT" button to open a new form. In this form you can drag and drop to rearrange image order or tap menu to sort image files in order of file name, last modification date or file size. To remove an image file from the list, pull it to the left and tap the "" icon. You can tap on an image file to view it with the default image viewer.

[CLEAR] Tap the "CLEAR" button to remove all files from the list.


PDF Options


[Page Size] You can choose preset PDF size or choose "Custom Size" menu and enter PDF size values. The format is "Width Height", for example: "1240 1754". The default PDF size is "A4" which "Width Height" is "595 842".

[Page Orientation] Set PDF orientation to portrait or landscape. The default value is "Portrait".

[Image Compression] Tap switch on the right to enable image compression. Image compression value can be 0 to 100. 0 meaning compress for small size, 100 meaning compress for max quality. Some formats, like PNG which is lossless, will ignore the compression setting.

[Password Protection] Tap switch on the right to enable PDF password protection, enter user password which will be required to open the output PDF file.


Convert Files


Tap the "CONVERT TO PDF" button to start conversion. JPG to PDF Converter uses multithreading to improve conversion speed. It only takes a few seconds to convert hundreds of image files if the image compression option is not enabled.


Output Files


The output PDF file will be saved to the folder "/storage/emulated/0/PDF/" (the default folder is changed to "/Download/PDF/" on Android 11 or newer) by default after conversion. Tap the "" icon and change the "Output Folder" option if you want to save files to another folder.

To view the output PDF file, tap the "" icon, tap "Open Folder", tap the PDF file and choose the "Open File" menu. You need at least one PDF viewer app (such as "Adobe Acrobat") installed to open PDF files.